Brazil, 2021. In a world of collective illness and disintegrated relationships, forgetting is harder than ever. In this scenario, four ladies from the northeast of Brazil articulate and celebrate their encounter with their memories, their intimate landscapes and their desires. Surviving a pandemic and transiting between times, common realities, desires and places, they dance as if there was a tomorrow. A film danced in Serenatas, which fictionalizes in a good-humored way the daily life fabled by Lara Luz, Vera Lu, Tetê (surname) and Raimunda Flor do Campo in other versions of themselves.
Oct 01 | 8PM (GMT -3)
Watch here (soon)
Conception and artistic direction Soraya Portela
Dramaturgy Carolina Mendonça
Direction assistance Anita Gallardo
Photography direction and editing Tássia Araújo
Production and digital narratives Layane Holanda
Co-creation e Performance Lara Luz, Tetê Souza, Vera Lu, Raimunda Flor do Campo
Camera assistance Karystom Soares
Sound Design Patota & suingue de umbigada
Styling Danton Brando
Graphic design Calleb Henrique
Financial Management Humilde Alves
Final editing Clandestina Filmes
Created by Canteiro @canteiroteresina
Support Escola Estadual de Dança Lenir Argento