Research & Development

[cover_boxes title1=”KA’ADELA – A DISMISSING CARTOGRAPHY” text1=”Idylla Silmarovi + Avelin Buniacá Kambiwá + David Maurity + Edgar Kanaykõ Xakriabá + Juão Nyn + Rafael Bacelar” link1=”” target1=”_self” title2=”ARMED FORCES” text2=”Coletivo Kings of The Night” link2=”” target2=”_self” title3=”HAIRCUT DANCE” text3=”Luiz Guilherme Guerreiro” link3=”” target3=”_self” image1=”17711″ image2=”17712″ image3=”17713″]
[cover_boxes title1=”ÌYÀWÓ – FILHOS DO ENCANTO” text1=”Nando Zâmbia + Luiz Antônio Sena Jr + Hiran + Ivan Bina” link1=”” target1=”_self” title2=”PASSAGE – OTHER LANDSCAPES” text2=”Cia Dançurbana” link2=”” target2=”_self” target3=”_self” image1=”17715″ image2=”17716″]