Sob rodas
A loud bang in a loud music, an abundance of movements. A mix up of clashes: the old and the new, the man and the woman, the nordestino and the “sudestino”. Sob rodas is about wheels: dance wheels, so iconic of the hip-hop culture; and the ones that hang above our heads, wheels of “progress”.
Renato Cruz has a first degree in dance and a post-graduate degree in scenic arts. He was a dancer at Cia. de Danças da Cidade and interpreter- collaborator at Cia. Dani Lima. He is a director of Companhia Híbrida and is in charge of its project Arte é o Melhor Remédio as well as the Arena Híbrida Festival de Hip-Hop.
Conception and artistic direction: Renato Cruz Direction’s Assistance: Aline Teixeira Rehearser: Steffi Vigio Lighting: André Lucena Creation and performance: B-boy Training, B-girl Kawaii, Double L., Julio Molina, Nycolas Siqueira, Rodrigo Guedes, Samir Santos, Strike e Wellington Tutty Co-production: Festival Panorama 2014 / Cariocas na Cidades das Artes
Renato Cruz | Brasil, RJ
Sob rodas
16 nov
Cidade das Artes
40 min.
Age rating: 12 years
Free admission