Inquieta Cia (CE)
Civil Construction
One day, above all, it will be the whole world, it will be time and all its paths. In the beginning, it will look like a dream or an impossible project. Afterwards, we will notice the signs which will make us believe, then we will participate in everything. And finally, we will act towards something unknown. The destroyers will come and their tools will move away from what would be a hypothesis, turning it then into matter and fatigue.
In Civil Construction, 6 performers erect a structure designed during the length of the work itself. It’s not architecture, but an action that happens out of order. Non-specialized architects create an attack on the public space according to a protocol that lacks a preconceived plan. The title’s double meaning reveals the idea behind the narrative. It matters to this work the contributions that the medium of film gives to choreography, how the documentation helps to imagine the future. Film-performance.
The mismatch between creative agents and materials mobilizes itself in our country and in our city of Fortaleza: it trembles, strays and circumvents, formulating irregularities at different levels, classes, regions. During 6 days, workers claim the need for a collective policy in face of chaos and the current crisis. On the seventh day, there is no rest, but dismantling. A performance program remains what it is: it’s worth for its own accomplishment. More or less like the poet Caetano would say: Here everything seems / to be still on construction / But it is already a ruin.
Sep 16 | 8PM (GMT -3)
Watch here (soon)
Performers Andreia Pires, Andrei Bessa, Geane Albuquerque, Gyl Giffony, Lucas Galvino e Wellington Fonseca
Invited builders Aline dos Santos, Bruno Everton, Francinaldo Dimas, José Ivan, Lucieudo e Neto
Direction Andreia Pires
Script Andreia Pires, Lucas Galvino e Thereza Rocha
Dramaturgy Thereza Rocha
Interlocutor Luís Garay
Videomaker Artífice Filmes
Director of PhotographyLua Alencar
Soundtrack Uirá dos Reis
Camera João Barretto e Lua Alencar
Aerial images Lua Alencar
Editing Lua Alencar
Sound editor Iron Cavalcante
Colorist João Barretto
Graphic Design FilipeAnjo
Still and pictures Igor Cavalcante Moura
Production Andrei Bessa, Gyl Giffony e Geane Albuquerque
Production assistant Rafael Abreu e Wellington Fonseca
Support Centro Dragão do Mar de Arte e Cultura